South Arm Township
Charlevoix County
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Voting Information

Kimberly Olstrom, Clerk
Ph: 231-675-2830

South Arm Election Summary Report:
Click Here


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charlevoix County Early Voting Receiving Board for the November 5, 2024, General Election has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. at the Charlevoix County Courthouse, 301 State Street, Charlevoix, MI 49720 for the purpose of canvassing early votes for all precincts in the municipalities listed below:

Bay Township
Boyne Valley Township
Chandler Township
Charlevoix Township
Evangeline Township
Eveline Township

Hayes Township
Hudson Township
Marion Township
Melrose Township
Norwood Township
Peaine Township

St. James Township
South Arm Township
Wilson Township
City of Boyne City
City of Charlevoix
City of East Jordan

Julia A. Drost
Charlevoix County Clerk



To all Qualified Electors in South Arm Township

Notice is hereby given by resolution of the South Arm Township Board under authority granted in Public Act 81 of 2023, that the location of the early voting site for all federal and statewide election dates will be the following. A site may also serve as an early voting site for additional election dates if approved by the South Arm Township Board.

Charlevoix County Building
301 State Street
Charlevoix, Michigan 49720

All qualified electors in South Arm Township have the right to mark a ballot and deposit the ballot in a tabulator beginning the second Saturday before an election and ending the Sunday before the election, and any additional days prior to the second Saturday before an election that the South Arm Township Board designates. Early voting will be available at the early voting site for the following hours:

Saturday: 8:30am –4:30pm   Sunday: 8:30am –4:30pm     Monday: 8:30am –4:30pm

Tuesday: 8:30am –4:30pm    Wednesday: 8:30am –4:30pm Thursday: 8:30am –4:30pm

Friday: 8:30am –4:30pm     Saturday: 8:30am –4:30pm     Sunday: 8:30am –4:30pm

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Clerk’s Office at [231-675-2830 or

Absentee Voting

Who is Eligible for an Absent Voter Ballot?

Due to the passage of the statewide ballot proposal 18-3, all eligible and registered voters in Michigan may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason.

Check your voter registration at Michigan Voter Information Center

November 5, 2024 General Election Unofficial Candidate List
November 5, 2024 General Election Unofficial Proposal List
November 5, 2024 General Election Sample Ballots

Click on the link below to download a voter registration application with instructions.
Voter Registration instructions and application

Absent Voter Ballot Application

Click on the link below to download a copy

Absent Voter Ballot Application: Absent voter ballots are available to registered voters for all elections. They provide a convenient method for casting a ballot instead of attending the polls on election day. If you prefer not to mail your application or ballot , YOU MAY USE OUR NEW, SECURE BALLOT DROP BOX, LOCATED ON THE FRONT PORCH AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL

Early In-Person Voting

Click on the link for more information Early In-Person Voting

Michigan Dept. Of State Voter Information

Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the election. If you’re already registered at your current address, you can pick up an absent voter ballot in person at your clerk’s office anytime up to 4 p.m. on the day prior to the election. If you’re registering to vote or updating your address by appearing at your clerk’s office on Election Day, you can request an absent voter ballot at the same time you register.

Once your request is received by the local clerk, your signature on the request will be checked against your voter registration record before a ballot is issued. You must be a registered voter to receive an absent voter ballot, but you can register and apply for an absent voter ballot at the same time.  Requests for absent voter ballots are processed immediately. Absent voter ballots may be issued to you at your home address or any address outside of your city or township of residence.

After receiving your absent voter ballot, you have until 8 p.m. on Election Day to complete the ballot and return it to the clerk’s office. Your ballot will not be counted unless your signature is on the return envelope and matches your signature on file. If you received assistance voting the ballot, then the signature of the person who helped you must also be on the return envelope. Only you, a family member or person residing in your household, a mail carrier, or election official is authorized to deliver your signed absent voter ballot to your clerk’s office.

If an emergency, such as a sudden illness or family death prevents you from reaching the polls on Election Day, you may request an emergency absent voter ballot. Requests for an emergency ballot must be submitted after the deadline for regular absent voter ballots has passed but before 4 p.m. on Election Day. The emergency must have occurred at a time which made it impossible for you to apply for a regular absent voter ballot. Please contact your local clerk for more information about emergency absent voter ballots.

Michigan Voter Information Center